NC Carpet
Cotton Serging Yarn
" World's Largest, Most Widely Used
Serging Yarn Line "
NC Cotton Serging Yarn |
ALL COLORS AVAILABLE in a Spectacular Range of
126 Designer Colors
Put up on approximately one pound king tubes
1lb.+ Spools,
126 Colors
100% Cotton, USA Made
Perfect for all Carpet Sergers
Great for oriental rugs,
Gorgeous Finish, no fraying
Priced at 1lb. only
Cotton Serging yarn $30.00 spool
on-line right here! We Ship Within
24 hours *
Please Note: Color matches can not be
guaranteed for on-line color charts.
NC 100% cotton carpet
serging yarn is available in 126 colors for
immediate shipment
Our NC carpet Cotton serging yarn
is applied with a carpet serging machine, this carpet border edging is
most often found on oriental rugs, plush carpet runners, sisals, and
berbers. Serging is a high-end, elegant rug edging that is surprisingly
affordable. NC Cotton Serging yarn generates the industries most beautiful
finish. Apply NC Cotton Serging yarn to any carpet type. NC 100% Cotton
Serging yarn is available in 126 absolutely gorgeous colors. Our goal is
to provide the finest serging yarn at affordable pricing. Call toll free
to order a free color chart.
N-C three-inch sisal tape has been a staple in the industry for over 15
years. In 2009 we added 52 five-inch colors that are available in a
gorgeous uniform pattern. This is by far the world's largest and most
affordable line of 5” tape. Wide borders have become prevalent in the
industry, and due to customer demand we now offer these carpet binding
tapes for immediate shipment.
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